Benefits of Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Device for Depression

Patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) who have not experienced a sufficient response to antidepressant medication may consider TMS therapy as an alternate treatment form. To treat the symptoms of depression, TMS uses magnetic fields to activate the brain’s nerve cells. 

A transcranial magnetic stimulation device is safe, non-invasive, and effective. In order to treat depression, TMS has been FDA-approved since 2008. TMS is often utilized after failing at conventional depression treatments.

What is Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)?

MDD is a severe mental illness that causes mood swings, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, changes in eating, sleep patterns, energy levels, and feelings of guilt or worthlessness. Suicidal thoughts and difficulty completing daily tasks can both be caused by MDD.

What happens during a TMS session?

Patients must remove any magnetically sensitive items (jewelry, hearing aids, credit cards) before treatment because TMS uses magnetic pulses. Patients undergoing treatment must wear earplugs.

The transcranial magnetic stimulation device makes a loud clicking sound with each pulse, so it is for comfort and hearing protection. The entire session is spent with the patient awake and seated in a comfy chair.

Several measurements are taken during the initial session to guarantee that the TMS coil will be positioned correctly over the intended area of the brain. The TMS doctor determines a “motor threshold” by sending many quick pulses over the left side of the brain. 

The motor threshold, which varies from person to person, is the least amount of force required to get the patient’s thumb to twitch. The medical professional can calculate the precise energy needed to excite the brain by measuring the motor threshold.

Once the motor threshold has been established, the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is directly over the coil. The front of the brain contains a region roughly the size of a golf ball. Treatment then begins. The transcranial magnetic stimulation device taps the scalp over this area while administering the treatment. The patient can hear a string of clicking noises and feels their scalp heavily tapped.

Reasons to Consider TMS Device for Depression

Transcranial magnetic stimulation devices don’t involve anesthesia and can be effective even if other therapies (such as medicine or counseling) haven’t provided the necessary alleviation. TMS treatments are efficient, don’t interfere with your ability to stay mindful, don’t have the same adverse effects as typical drug side effects, and can even lessen your dependency on medication.

  1. No extreme side effects with TMS

There are no severe or long-lasting side effects with TMS, in contrast to the conventional medication therapies for depression and anxiety disorders. Numerous side effects of antidepressants include nausea, weight gain, fatigue, sleepiness, sleeplessness, sexual dysfunction, memory loss, and apathy.

Another tried-and-true way of treating brain diseases is electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). However, the advantages are only temporary; either repeated sessions are necessary, or medicine is used in addition to ECT. Some side effects of ECT are headaches, trouble remembering things in the long term, memory loss, confusion, and muscle aches. It is unknown if this is due to the ECT method, its extremeness, or the required general anesthesia.

Some people experience modest side effects during the stimulation procedure, such as a moderate headache, dizziness, and slight scalp discomfort, which are typically fleeting and go away within minutes of the session ending. 

  1. It s non-invasive

Finding an efficient and secure approach when dealing with depression is crucial. Long-established treatments include medication and therapy, but they might not be effective for everyone. TIt is where Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) enters the picture, providing an excellent, secure option. 

The non-invasiveness of TMS treatments is one of their most important benefits. Unlike other brain stimulation methods, transcranial magnetic stimulation devices do not call for anesthesia or surgery. It uses a magnetic field to activate particular brain areas linked to depression. 

With this delicate method, there are no incisions, no anesthesia is required, and there is no possibility of issues that could come with invasive procedures. TMS procedures are carried out in an outpatient setting, allowing patients to unwind in a cozy atmosphere throughout the session.

  1. Non-Disruptive to Daily Life

Finding a method that blends easily into your everyday routine is crucial while looking for depression treatment. It can be difficult to combine controlling depression with leading a regular life because traditional treatment approaches frequently call for significant time commitments or lifestyle changes. Fortunately, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation devices provide a minimally disruptive option that enables people to carry on with their usual activities. 


Your transcranial magnetic stimulation device results can be long-lasting. If this treatment is effective, you might experience a prolonged period of depression-free living. Additionally, TMS therapy can lessen the severity and recurrence of your depressive symptoms.

An entire course of TMS therapy must be completed over several weeks. Individual outcomes will differ, as should be anticipated, given the particular difficulties brought on by each incidence of severe depression. After completing TMS therapy, most patients report feeling better for six months to a year. 
Visit Almagia International to buy a TMS device: Almag 03.

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