PubMed talks about Almag-02 in detail

PubMed is one of the most popular online resources that helps search and retrieve biomedical and life sciences literature to improve health–both globally and personally.
This website talks about Almag-02 in detail with its specifications, uses, and how it helped people in treating their after-effects of Covid-19.
Almag-02 is an advanced PEMF Therapy Device that helps in lung recovery after pneumonia and in treating complex joint disorders (coxarthrosis, polyarthritis).
ALMAG-02 is a multi-function advanced PEMF therapy device made for the treatment of complex musculoskeletal disorders and/or pulmonary rehabilitation for chronic lung diseases.
In COVID-19, this device was intended to be an essential part of many health centers. This device helps people treat different kinds of joint disorders and provides recovery from lung damage caused by infectious diseases: COPD, pneumonia, etc. COVID-19-Associated Pneumonia, Chronic Bronchitis.
According to the study conducted by, 44.5% of people showed improvement in their general mobility, and 26.1% showed improvement in everyday activity. Almost 47.9% of people feel ease in pain or discomfort, and the rate of depression goes down by 42.2%.
Therefore, it shows that low-frequency magnetic therapy helps in reducing respiratory disorders, reduces the level of anxiety and depression, pain and discomfort, improving the patient’s quality of life.
from almagia
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